Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fan Is Short For Fanatic.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm a TransFormers fan. I have been once since I was four, back in 1984. I've seen the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

...or so I thought.

Renowned director Michael Bay was chosen by Steven Spielberg (along with Paramount and other companies involved in the movie process) to helm the TF movie franchise. (He's signed on for 5 films, at last check, btw.)

Now, it's obvious that the films have been tremendous box office hits. Critically, not so much. The first film fared okay with them, however.

Now, some of you might be scratching your heads and wondering "What is the point of all of this? What is he blabbering about?" Well, I'm about to tell you.

The "fans" have threatened Bay's life. Yes, you're reading it right...the fans have threatened Michael Bay's life. Repeatedly. They've wished for his death, they want him dead, etc. Even though both films were a ginormous financial success (and one of them close to being a critical success).

That's not all, no. They call him foul names (which I will not repeat here...) they blame him for everything wrong with the movies (which isn't fair...) and they even stole his laptop. STOLE his personal property so they could get their hands on an early view of the script.

So, his life has been threatened, his personal space has been invaded, and his personal property has been taken from him.

And all for what? Over a couple of movies? How frightening. The fanatics (the fandom stopped being simply "fans" a while ago.) are borderline dangerous and absolutely terrifying.

So why, you might ask, does the man keep coming back for more? Well, for one, the money. Let's not lie here, he's doing it for the money. But he likes working with his cast and crew, he likes seeing the world his way, and just a few years back, we applauded him for it. Now, he's vilified for it. Am I the only one completely caught off guard by this insanity??

Let's face it: TransFormers started out as a badly made, badly drawn, bad-for-you, cartoon. A Saturday morning cartoon with the weight and legitimacy of a sheet of paper. It's there, it's real, but it ain't worth much.

Fast forward 23 years later: Michael Bay (with the help of some talented writers) pulled off the impossible. He made TransFormers not only fun for everyone, but he brought them to life for the first time in the franchise's history, and he did so with gusto. I mean, look at the robots in the honestly believe they're real and you couldn't imagine it any other way. (Even if you don't like the robot designs, you gotta admit they at least look like they're really being filmed by a camera, on set. And that's impressive.)

He also did one other thing that was impossible for the past 20+ years....he made TransFormers legit. They're cool now. They're embraced by the public. Old fans and new fans meet everyday online and in person, all thanks to his directorial efforts. Before his first TF movie hit the big screen, we were ridiculed and made fun of, we were afraid to show our true fan colors.

...but not anymore. Geek is chic these days, and he had a hand in it.

Past a certain point, you can tell it's not only the money that keeps bringing him back to the camera. The threats, the ridicule, the critics, the hard work would've driven a lesser man away from this project. Bay comes running right into the middle of the storm, guns blazing and his efforts show.

Do I think he's a hero? Of course not. I think he can be abrasive, rude, and arrogant. I also realize he's a human being, awkward like the rest of us, and thrust into a world he knows nothing about. He's handed a script that caters to the freaks and geeks, but alienates the audience. He HAS to put his spin on it to make it profitable, and he has. To the tune of a billion plus on the first movie alone.

For the fact that he's a trooper and stuck with it, and the fact that he's given us a bit of street cred, a world wife legitimacy...he has my utmost respect. I don't agree with everything he's done, but he most certainly doesn't deserve such hatred over a MOVIE.

C'mon people, get over yourselves.

Leave the guy alone. If it bothers you that much, just stop lining his pockets with ticket money. Boycott the films, do something productive. Quit sitting around and whining pointlessly.

Bay makes movies, you watch them.

Shut up.

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